Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Months Post-Surgery

Five months sounds like a long time. While it seems like I broke my ankle forever ago, some of the stiffness and everyday pain still exists even five months after breaking it. I've been trying to stretch it everyday, but no matter what, it's still stiff and sore late at night and in the morning when I get out of bed. In fact, I still limp somewhat especially after waking up in the morning and taking my first few steps of the day. It's sore, it hurts, it doesn't feel "normal."

This was one of my main fears after breaking my ankle and getting surgery - that this pain would persist and would never go away. I still have 60 or 70 years of life to go! Is it really going to be this bad for the rest of my life?

I can run. Kind of. I can run small distances, then I limp after running. I cannot sprint without limping. The plate pinches and feels weird when my ankle moves certain directions. Not to be a pessimist, but I hate having metal in my ankle. I hate how big and swollen my ankle is. I hate feeling the metal and screws in my leg. I hate being paranoid of falling and slipping all the time now.

Nonetheless, time goes on and hopefully this injury will improve even more. At least I can walk.


  1. Hello from Chicago! Just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed reading your account of recovery. I broke my ankle on June 16th with ORIF surgery on June 21st. This is not an easy recovery. I appreciate your honest and descriptive account. Hope you are continuing to do well in your recovery!

  2. As you recover
    I am just starting
    June 23, 2013 jump down from a ladder that twisted fell 6-8 feet and shattered my right Tibia at the base. Waited 9 days for Cat scan and swelling and had ORIF July 2, 2013. 72 year old surgeon cut front and back of leg with 2 plates and about 13 screws.
    Now at almost 7 weeks post op and just finished your story. Thanks for posting it.
    Still casted and trying to stay upbeat. Not easy at night. I'm 58 and am losing my core strength being so inactive for 2 months now.
    I have had some nerve damage I think, the foot was like a bar of frozen steel at times although the skin was warm. That went away thank goodness but the top of my toes are very numb although they move OK.
    Did you have numbness?
    Thanks again for this Blog!

  3. mom2girls - Thanks for the comment. I agree that it is definitely not an easy recovery. I hope being honest doesn't scare you! I know I had a really tough time with this injury and I know it's hard for others to go through the same thing. I'm at about 6 months post-op right now and it's getting a little better. Best of luck to you through the recovery process!

    Daniel - That sounds awful...Although I hate that I had this injury at a younger age, I am thankful that it went relatively "quick" for me throughout the healing process. My surgeon kept reminding me of that, that the healing stages would be faster for someone in their teens. It's really hard in the cast stage to be so sedentary and have to rely on others so frequently. As difficult as it is, patience is the key. Just a few more weeks and before you know it you'll be taking your first steps.

    As for the numbness, I did have some. When I was in the cast, I often felt like my leg was tingling or falling asleep. For the most part though, the numbness never really bothered me and it went away with time. I think after a few days or maybe a week of walking for the first time was when the numbness went completely away. Taking my first steps felt really weird, like pins and needles in my foot! But it got much better as I walked more. I also had a HUGE loss of sensitivity where my scar was. I remember getting out of my cast and feeling my scar and I didn't feel my finger touching my leg where the scar was (if that makes sense?). I tested it by closing my eyes and having a friend run her finger across the top of my scar, and I couldn't feel a thing when she said she was touching the scar. That went away with time though too. And yes, the bar of steel felt very cold sometimes, especially because I had my injury in the winter (in Minnesota nonetheless!) where temperatures dropped below zero frequently. Walking in such cold temperatures made my ankle even tighter I think...but we'll see how it goes this winter! That was pretty early in my healing process too. Best of luck, Daniel!

  4. Thanks for the reply
    And please post another entry to your blog; the last one at 5 months was kinda down.
    Now you must be at 6+ months and I hope you are feeling better.
    I guess when I read how you are dreading the next 50 or 70 years with all the hardware in
    you I should be glad I didn't have the break till I was 58!
    We can both look forward to our ankleversary , by then we will feel much better.

  5. Yeah, you're right. Some days are better than others. Sometimes it's frustrating to try to relax at the end of the day and realize just how bad my ankle hurts. I thought that at this point I would have minimal pain, which might be true at some points in the day, but overall the pain is still there. And I really do wish I didn't have metal in my leg. It does pinch and hurt when I move it certain ways, and I don't know if that will ever go away...I'll make an update soon though. I guess I should follow my own advice and be positive! Some days it's just hard to look at this injury and surgery as a positive. What I'm most looking forward to is my 1 year ankleversary - my surgeon said it can take up to a year to feel "normal" so I'm hoping I still have some improvements to make.

  6. Oh, Laura! It's sad to hear that you're suffering this much even after five months out of your ankle surgery. Each patient have different cases. Some of them heal faster than others, while some suffers longer. Unfortunately, this is the case for you. But I like that you remain positive about your recovery. Of course you'll heal. Just make sure to religiously attend to your checkups and do what your doctor tells you to do. Best of luck to you!
    Sienna @ Fort Lauderdale Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine

  7. Hi Sienna,

    Thanks for the support! Unfortunately my doctor pretty much let me loose after I had my second surgery. I went to a physical therapist in my hometown and she said to do basic stretches, and she couldn't really help me with much else. So that's what I was left with. I have no clue if my ankle is doing "well" compared to most people's experiences. But I'm stretching it (almost) everyday. I can tell when I miss a few days of stretching it. My ankle becomes really stiff then, and cracks a lot when I walk.

    Thanks again for the reply!

  8. Oh man, I needed to read this. I broke my ankle while pregnant almost six/seven months ago - and have been out of my cast for five months. Its always swollen it seems, and feel weirdness intermittently - this makes me feel normal. It's easy to over analyze and think maybe something is wrong with me!

  9. Thank you everyone for posting. I am 5 months ost op. Still cannot walk without crutches and then limited as very sore.

    1. I was fortunate to start walking 7 weeks post ankle break.
      What does the doctor say about such what seems to be a long time before walking.

    2. They are thinking nerve damage now & have just put me on medication for that 2 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to be making much difference, so far - foot swollen & VERY sore - unable to walk without 1 crutch & even then only very limited.

  10. Hello! I'm five months post surgery, I have 3 screws in my ankle. I also deal with everyday pain and stiffness. I am on my feet all day, from walking on campus and working at ups night shift. I mostly have pain in the heel along with stiffness. After taking my boots off I can barley walk. I can no longer walk barefoot or wear flip flops without having pain. Today I had a check up app with my foot specialist. He said my ankle looks great. After telling him about my heel pain, he offered me a cortisone shot. I got the shot, hopefully this will help. Does anyone else have heel pain after ankle surgery?

    1. I don't have heel pain but the rest of my foot is just "Off". It's sore. Not sure why all this happens when the bones are healed and such.

  11. Hi all. I broke my ankle early August 2016. It's now past Thanksgiving. I still limp and am occasionally tired. I feel not normal at times. My bones healed fast, but I still have soreness around the ankle and foot, mostly when I out walking. I try to do a mike a day since I'm a walker normally. Wearing a compression stocking every day and the ankle support does help a lot. After reading other's experiences, I'm feeling less worried about all of it and just realize it takes time. I think I'm doing great with my age of 61. Eating well and daily exercise help but still wish it would all just go away.
    I'm sure all of you feel the same.
    Also, I lost almost 20 pounds during the whole ordeal. Did anyone else lose weight? I happy about it, since I've been overweight for several years.

    1. I lost weight too! I thought I was the only one. glad to know there was someone else too!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Also, I did have surgery on three bones in the ankle.

  13. I broke my ankle on June 4th and surgery on June 17th. Today is November 26th. Broke three bones and dislocated 45 decrees. I am still on crutches, I have been able to wear shoes for one week, but my foot is two sizes bigger so having a hard time finding any shoes that will work for both feet. I found a pair of lace up boots and wear three pairs of socks in my left shoe. I am still in a lot of pain and have very little motion side to side. I cannot wear my shoes longer then a few hours and then the pain to unbearable. I can wear slippers with the lace up brace. This is a strange stage, as I miss the CAM boot but ready to move on. Almost six months of this. The Dr. said could be one year before I am walking normal and two years for full recovery. I'll never have the same range of motion. At this point I cannot get down stairs, my ankle won't allow my knee to bend enough and my heel to come up to make the step. I can walk up the stairs. I am very week on my leg and feel like if I stepped wrong I would fall. This has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through. My physical therapist said be patient, do my exercises at home, and just keep walking. walk as much as tolerated and walk on uneven surfaces to build strength. Looking for any kind of shoe advise :)

    1. Gosh, I'm so sorry your injury is going on for so long. And I thought mine was a pain!!
      Don't know about shoes. I have to wear my sneakers with my ankle support.
      I'm lucky I can fit into shoes, but cannot with the lace up support.

      I did hear that it takes a year to get back to somewhat normal.

      Have you looked on line for shoes that are for ankle injuries. I know there are stores such asThe Good Feet but don't know if they deal with ankle issues and shoes for such. They might know of a store or place on line.

    2. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=post+surgery+shoes&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=132516629887&hvpos=1t2&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12788772508913909611&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030890&hvtargid=kwd-4214312569&ref=pd_sl_4crat0fzjb_b_p13

    3. The link above is for Amazon. There are post surgery shoes

    4. http://www.healthboards.com/boards/foot-ankle-problems/616864-best-athletic-shoes-after-boot.html

    5. Who can sen me x ray in ankan frecture....because my ankal was broken ....i want to see other ankal frectures x rays ..plz

  14. I just found this post from of yours. How are you feeling now years later. My husband broke his ankle in December 2016 and everything you said in your original post sounds exactly like what he feels on a daily basis. If you anyone could let us know how they are doing years later, it would be greatly appreciated.

  15. I broke my ankle Christmas 2013...surgery,6 screws and a plate. It was 4 months before I was allowed 100% weight bearing...and needed extensive physio to get movement back. My surgeon told me it would be 18 months to 2 years before I would be fully recovered. He was right. It is the worse injury and I found myself so depressed for the first time in my life. 4 years post op can finally say life is almost normal again. Important to not compare your injury/recovery time to others as everyone is different but is not a pleasant time.

    1. Eliza, I agree with you. We can't compare healing times because all injuries are different plus I am 70 years old. I am at one year and can't be on my feet longer than 30 minutes at a time. I have 5 plates and 18 screws and the smashed bones aren't healing bUT i know they will. I stepped down from a ladder and missed a step. This is a nightmare but I'm taking it one day at a time. Thank you for your honest reply.

  16. Hi Folks,

    These comments are helpful and all I think any of us wannafund is a similar situation where there was full recovery, and to find out the answers to the unknown: will this ever get better?

    I got T boned by a taxi in Shanghai while driving my scooter down the wrong side of the street in August 2017. Broke my fibula badly (chips) and two malleoli. Was awful. Five days in the hospital and ORIF surgery with a plate down my fibula and maybe five screws holding my malleoli in place. Non weight earring for twelve weeks. It’s now six months after and the worst has always been the nerve pain. It’s was shattering, burning pain on the top of my foot, couldn’t sleep, shooting stabbing tingles that made life awful. Put me on lyrica for a week or so (same stuff they use for epilepsy) but didn’t find it effective. The pain finally calmed down a bit maybe six weeks after surgery, and I’ve now been on a regime of active B12 for three months or so. It’s not great.

    Six months in, I wonder if I’ll ever be pain free. It’s manageable, I can walk, I can even run a bit. I’m very good about doing my exercises but the ankle is still relatively swollen and the nerve pain is sometimes really bad. I’m forty years old and the plate is due to come out in August of this year.

    I only hope that with time this injury is going to get better. If I were to plot the pain on a grid, the trend is downward even if it doesn’t seem that way. That’s progress. Gotta keep optimistic.

    Thanks everyone for your posts over the years. I’ll update as well in the case some other poor sap has to endure what we’ve all gone through and is looking for answers to their own questions.

  17. I had surgery on the 11th November 2017 I had broken bones got a plate and screws and had the large screw which went across both bones taken out in January 2018.
    I did a lot of damage to my ligaments etc. It’s now 4th March I’m walking around the house with out my walking frame the pain is bad and my ankle look swollen
    I haven’t been outside walking since my fall I had hoped to be able to walk without pain at this stage but it’s 3 1/2 months and I thing I have a long way to go before I’m able to walk for more than 5 minutes all I can do is hope.It was great to read other stories because I was sure I was the only person that had pain swelling for more than 4 months.I hope that my experience will help others . This has showing me that different people heal at different rates .

  18. I broke both of my ankles on 01/01/2018 and bilateral ankle surgery the next day got plates and bunch of screws two weeks ago my orthopedic told me that I can put weight in both ankles it has been extremely painful but is getting better I’m walking with a walker with a lot of pain and not of mi ankles swollen but thank God is getting better.

  19. Hello everyone. Well, here is my broken ankle story. I stepped on a pile of leaves back on 12/09/17, which had a large rock underneath it which came to a point at the top, which is where my left ankle hit it. Needless to say, I broke my ankle in two places (tibia and fibula). i had surgery a week later and had 2 plates and 12 screws put in. The first 2 months were the worse. I hated being stuck in the house. But I was able to get around with a knee scooter and a walker when I needed it to carry things. Then in Feb, 2018, I was released to bear weight which was soooo painful. I started PT also that month which was also painful. I RTW on March 5, 2018 with a cane and pain. I wore and still do compression socks to manage the swelling which really helps. I had one long screw removed on April 17th, 2018 which was a breeze. I was back to work in two days. So now my range of motion has increased, and I stopped using the case about a month ago now. Now don't get me wrong, I still have some pain, but I am thankful that I can walk. I don't limp at all, but if I sit too long and don't exercise my ankle, it does still get stiff. I take tylenol arthritis for the pain. I continue to do my exercises and I must say, each week gets better and better. But its a long, painful road to recovery and everyone is different. And to make matters worse, my 50th birthday was on Christmas Day and I was laid up in the house with a broken ankle, LOL. Ugh!!! Life!!!! But be encouraged everyone, it takes at least a year to get to 80% maybe, LOL. I'm still healing so I can't run or jump, but like I said, Thank God I can walk because it could've been worse. And I am thinking about having all the hardware removed the summer of 2019, maybe, we'll see. Take care everyone and be encouraged.

  20. I just want to say that this gives me a great deal of relief that I’m not the only one! I’m 3 months post broken ankle, with screws, plate and all, and it hurts so so much after work and when I wake up. Your post has given me a sense of calm that it’s not just me and my ankle isn’ lt ruined for life.

    I know how it feels, it is horrible and you feel unalike all your friends and family that can do things you just can’t.

  21. I hear you and feel your pain. At 3 months post surgery, I returned to work with a cane, and I was limping around the office and I was in pain all day long, and like you, the mornings were bad as well. The cane was my friend until about 4 months in. But again, the compression socks really helped with managing the swelling and circulation, and the tylenol arthritis as well, unless you need something stronger. But now that I am 5 1/2 months in, I/m doing so much better. Once again, Im still healing so it's not like I'm running or jumping all over the place, but if I didn't tell you my story, you would never know I ever broke my ankle or had surgery. So it takes a long time to heal from this, so be encouraged and patient, which is hard to do, I know. But do your PT exercises everyday, that helps me alot. Take care and I wish you the best in your continued recovery.

  22. Thanks for your blog. It definitely helps to know that there are others in my shoes. When I tell people how long it has been they just give me a look like, "Why aren't you healed?" Im a 33yr old male. On Feb 17th 2018, I dislocated my right ankle and fractured the lower tibia and upper fibia. It is taking a long time to get right. I cannot run or jump but I am seeing small improvements. I have a slight limp when walking. Inclines, declines and stairs really show my injury. Im now focused on trying to get as much dorsiflexion back as possible. Just passed the 5 month mark. And yes I feel every step I take. PT PT PT....

  23. I am 69, five months post op, six screws and plate. Instep dislocated and joint broken. I am using sticks, just allowed short drive ( car auto, right ankle broken). Pain and swell on walking, shoks, tingling and screws showing. Love It still, see surgeon in Dec. Nine months after break.Limp and very short walk five mins. Will it ever be right. Arthritis everywhere and 8 co coda mol every day. I despair. Only permitted 12 mile drive round trip at mo. Physio says he patient. Not easy. No life.

  24. OMG, I feel for you. And because of your age,and injury, I'm afraid your life may be changed for ever. Arthritis will definitely follow you probably for the rest fo your days. Yes be patient, yes it's a long, long, slow recovery. However, the older you are, more than likely, the longer the recovery. And it's so easy for Physio to say, be patient, but your the one going through this, not them. I truly hope you heal as close to 100% as possible. Ugh, I feel your pain. Try as much as possible to keep your head up, because the truth of the matter is, it could've been worse.

  25. I feel ur pain.. I am 4 months out of tendon repair and still need walker and crutch. Your life stops after foot surgery.. I’ve had some really bad days depressed wondering will my foot ever feel better again? I can only handle about 40% of my weight. Going to PT for 8 weeks .. it has improved but not like I thought and my OS never even warned me about the recovery. I also had some nerve damage in surgery. This is one of the worst things I’ve ever been through physically as well as mentally. But I keep trying to stay positive and patient. Hopefully we all get through this nightmare.

  26. Man, here's my story: Broken ankle, 45 degree dislocation, 5 screws, 2 plates on 2/21/2018. Hardware removed 6/28/18. Still pain and swelling. Pain and stiffness in the morning, subsides when I take a hot shower. Can walk about an hour, then the limp returns because of the pain. I am 56 and have never had this hard a time recovering. Doctor and PT says they have done all they could, so I have no idea if this is normal. Its hard to stay optimistic, because for the last 2 months there has been NO progress or change. Im beginning to suspect my ligaments/cartledge/nerves were more damaged than I was told........sucks, but what can I do

  27. Wow, you had your hardware removed only after 4 months????? Maybe your break wasnt as bad as others because I have 2 plates and 12 screws still in after 9 months. But then again, every injury is different. But you still have so much pain and discomfort, and nothing else can be done???? That just does not sound right to me. My Dr. told me not to even think about removing the hardware until after at least a year. And If I didn't tell you what happened to me, you would never be able to tell I went through two surgeries and still have most of my hardware in. I hope things take a turn for the better for you, but I would possibly get a second opinion about your recovery, something seems a little off, and its not your age, I'm 50, LOL.

  28. I broke my ankle 6/17/18 and had screws and plates put in 6/26/18. I am now 3 months post op and my doctor told me to start bearing wait as tolerated. I cant because I am walking on my toes. So I cant walk at all. My heal will not touch the floor. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? Will my ankle every do at 90 degrees again so I can walk flat footed?

  29. It sounds like your ankle has locked. My doctor was concerned about that happening to me after a couple of months, so he told me to start bearing weight, lose the boot and everything, or my ankle would lock up because i was not moving it. What I did when I would take the boot off, I would rotate my ankle and start exercising it gently, so that it could start getting used to motion again. If it locks, it's gonna be painful to unlock it. I hope this is not the case with your ankle, but it sounds like it. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist. Being immobile in a cast and boot for that long, will make your ankle stiff, but you have to gently try to rotate and move that ankle. Good luck, it does get better, waaaayyyyy down the road, LOL.

  30. It’s so nice to read posts from others who have had ankle surgery ...I’m still limping ( need cane and sometimes a crutch when I get out of bed in the morning) my foot and knee on injured leg bother me as much as my ankle some days...it’s been 6 months and I’m tired of all the ‘why are you limping ?comments ...I’m afraid I will bop someone over the head with my cane one day 🙄😬😑

  31. Okay for whoever reading this after their ankle surgery.
    I had a orif surgery 4 and a half month ago
    And now i walk well i can walk long time, i been starting to walk maybe after 2 months post surgery.
    And i can run on treadmill for 40-45min at low and high speed constantly.
    The only thing is after running etc , my ankle and foot is swollen abit the next day and cause me sometime to limp a little bit the next 1-2day after it.
    The only really issue i have is that whenever i sit on the bus to go to work, its a ling ride of 45min-1hour
    I usually feel some mild pain on the side of my ankle and i got to move the ankle abit to make the pain less painfull but overall its only been 4 months and i think i should be happen i can walk and run now .
    Pain is temporary and i am sure with time , things will get better and better

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