Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Months Post-Surgery

Five months sounds like a long time. While it seems like I broke my ankle forever ago, some of the stiffness and everyday pain still exists even five months after breaking it. I've been trying to stretch it everyday, but no matter what, it's still stiff and sore late at night and in the morning when I get out of bed. In fact, I still limp somewhat especially after waking up in the morning and taking my first few steps of the day. It's sore, it hurts, it doesn't feel "normal."

This was one of my main fears after breaking my ankle and getting surgery - that this pain would persist and would never go away. I still have 60 or 70 years of life to go! Is it really going to be this bad for the rest of my life?

I can run. Kind of. I can run small distances, then I limp after running. I cannot sprint without limping. The plate pinches and feels weird when my ankle moves certain directions. Not to be a pessimist, but I hate having metal in my ankle. I hate how big and swollen my ankle is. I hate feeling the metal and screws in my leg. I hate being paranoid of falling and slipping all the time now.

Nonetheless, time goes on and hopefully this injury will improve even more. At least I can walk.